The Fourteenth Doctor Makes Enemies In 'Children In Need' Minisode 'Destination: Skaro'
It’s parado(leks)ically insane. A little more David Tennant can’t hurt.
The full 60th anniversary specials may not be starting until next Saturday, November 25 but there was no way Doctor Who wasn’t going to miss making a new production for this year’s Children in Need telethon, given their shared history. It had already been four years since they had anything due to the pandemic, and possibly the implementation of New Years’ specials. In fact, upcoming series 14 appearer Lenny Rush is one of this year’s presenters. And thus Saturday, the show debuted the minisode “Destination: Skaro”, posted to YouTube for international audiences.
A man, who quickly reveals himself to be Davros, played pre-mutation for the first time by a returning Julian Bleach, reveals to his assistant Mr. Castavillian, played by Mawaan Rizwan his “Mark III Travel Machine” for the Kaleds mutated by the Kaled-Thal War so they can survive. But they have a multidextrous claw…hmmm. And Mr. Castavillian is pitching anagrams for the Kaleds. I like the Klades myself. Davros is called away, when the TARDIS materializes. Out pops David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor, an hour into his new old body that he definitely wants to figure out. Time travel rake-stepping hijinks ensue, as he fills in the blanks on every remaining defining characteristic of the Daleks. From dislodging the claw and replacing it with a plunger, to their name, their catchphrase, it’s an all-new Genesis! Fourteen quickly runs away back into his TARDIS, leaving. But Davros likes the plunger.
Written by returning showrunner Russell T. Davies and directed by Jamie Donoghue, Children in Need minisodes like “Destination: Skaro” are meant to be more comedic to cheer up the kids they’re raising money for. The relationship goes back 40 years when the 20th anniversary special The Five Doctors was broadcast during the appeal. Its first premiere was ten years later, for the lesser received 30th anniversary special Dimensions in Time. Another ten years later the Dead Ringers did a Doctor Who sketch with the participation of Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy. When the revival began, the participation kicked off with a story in the immediate aftermath of Nine’s regeneration into Ten, making it Tennant’s first story as The Doctor before “The Christmas Invasion”. The next produced story for the telethon was “Time Crash”, where Ten met the Fifth Doctor, played by Peter Davison, before they became in-laws. Subsequent years were dominated by episode previews instead, though 2012 had “The Great Detective”, which bridged “The Angels Take Manhattan” and the year’s Christmas special “The Snowmen” (many of the years’ episode previews are for the Christmas special because of the time of year).
2016 saw the closest thing to a Fantastic Beasts crossover with Eddie Redmayne fresh off set and looking for the organization’s mascot Pudsey, and Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor made an appearance. “Destination: Skaro” can be watched below. There was also a Doctor Who: Unleashed produced for the minisode but it seems right now Americans are not going to have legal access to it.
Source: TARDIS Wiki