'Power Rangers Cosmic Fury' Releases Opening Scene During Hasbro PulseCon
The ten-episode season releases on Netflix on September 29
Today was Hasbro PulseCon, a virtual convention for a marathon of product reveals for Hasbro brands packing their ultimate fan destination store. It’s a bit earlier than last year’s by a couple of weeks, but kicked off with Transformers. What followed was Power Rangers, which with the franchise in flux, was pretty light with Megazord slippers, and Lightning Collection Omega Rangers, Selfie Series, and Tommy Oliver’s Master Morpher, with Jason David Frank’s last recordings as the character.
However, with a week until the release of Cosmic Fury, there was still time for a new clip, and it was prefaced by what could be considered a farewell address from showrunner Simon Bennett for himself and the rest of the New Zealand crew as the franchise leaves the country production-wise. He thanks the fans for supporting the show and also restated much of what Cosmic Fury is bringing, a third-season team with heavy doses of original action and footage and such.
The opening scene takes place on planet Zordnia, a planet first mentioned in Mighty Morphin season 3, where Finster found the Shogunzords. It’s the aerial shot over the New Zealand landscapes where the Dino Fury Rangers are fighting mooks, looking for Zedd as the Morphin Masters fly overhead. Lasers flying everywhere. Zayto’s even still in the suit he was resurrected in. Zedd’s new generals get him a drink. It’s very likely both the Mick scene and the scene in the “Coming to Netflix in September” video are in close proximity to this.
The PulseCon presentation also highlighted the Cosmic Fury Morpher and the next wave of Super7 Ultimates figures, all done over 20 minutes, one of the smaller windows. The showcases that followed were for Star Wars, Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering, Marvel Legends, and G.I. Joe.
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury stars Hunter Deno as Amelia, Kai Moya as Ollie, Jordon Fite as Aiyon, Tessa Rao as Izzy and Chance Perez as Javi, Russell Curry as Zayto, Jacqueline Joe as Fern, Izzy’s girlfriend and nearly-confirmed Orange Ranger and David Yost as Billy Cranston, the original Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger. All ten episodes premiere on September 29 on Netflix.
Source: Hasbro Pulse