Boom! Studios Announces 'Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers' Yearlong "Darkest Hour" Comic Event
In the neverending fight against Rita Repulsa, the team is about to change forever again
If you haven’t been keeping up on Boom! Studios’ Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers comics’ Reunited, Recharged arc, it’s been getting pretty grim. Rita Repulsa has returned stronger than ever and fully embraced her father’s side and rechristened herself Mistress Vile, assembling her own “unholy alliance” with Dark Specter and Alpha-1, as well as second Green Ranger Matt under her mind control, and Vessel, the reanimated husk of Zordon, with his own Ranger form. Yeah, it’s wild. But in the just-announced event Darkest Hour, they’re going to make big steps forward to conquer the galaxy with a considerable chance of succeeding.
Issue #108 was released this week. But issue #111, which releases to stores everywhere in the franchise’s actual 30th anniversary month of August will kick off the Darkest Hour event. It will last an ambitious 12 months, twelve issues that will will be helmed by writer Melissa Flores, who has been writing the series since the reunification of Mighty Morphin’ and Power Rangers into Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, artist Simona Di Gianfelice, colorist Raúl Angulo, and letterer Ed Dukeshire as the creative team. Main cover art and variant cover art come from Taurin Clarke, Björn Barends, and Goñi Montes.
In the arc, Mistress Vile gains control of the Morphin Grid as Dark Specter's infections spread across the universe. While full context awaits, the culmination the Reunited, Recharged era has been building towards sees the inevitable path to victory. After all, to see the end of this very ambitious storyline, July 2024 is quite a long time away. And of course, there’s still the 30th Anniversary Special comic with a story by original Pink Ranger Amy Jo Johnson (which also has a prelude) coming along the way. There’s a lot to look forward to as the 30th anniversary now takes a big stretch to keep the party going, as it started with Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Once and Always, now streaming on Netflix after premiering last month.

Source: ScreenRant